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  • Trump University Branding 101: How to Build the Most Valuable Asset of Any Business
  • Trump University Branding 101: How to Build the Most Valuable Asset of Any Business
  • Trump University Branding 101: How to Build the Most Valuable Asset of Any Business

Trump University Branding 101: How to Build the Most Valuable Asset of Any Business

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In the summer of 2005, Donald Trump founded Trump University, which began offering real estate courses for $1,495 per person. Trump University grew in popularity and soon had nearly a million people on the wait list for its seminars. However, a series of lawsuits, lawsuits which Trump University eventually lost, led to the company's closure in 2010. Today, Trump University is back in the spotlight. With the launch of a Trump presidential campaign and the controversy that has followed, people are once again asking questions about what really happened at Trump University.

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